

PROVEN: 5 Ways on How to get more likes on Facebook than ever


Post often, but not too often. Posting often increases your visibility on people's timelines, making it less possible for your posts to be overlooked or skimmed over. If you can become known for posting interesting and funny status updates, photos and videos, people will be more likely to stop and take notice when your name appears on their feed. The more people who actually pay attention to what you're posting, the more people who'll be inclined to like each post.
  • A word of warning though, posting too often will just clog up people's feeds and they'll become tired of it, which may lead them to hide you from their timeline or possibly unfriend you - not what you want at all!
  • A good guideline to follow is about 1 to 2 posts a day, everyday. According to an analysis done by KissMetrics, posting 1 -2 times a day increases other Facebook users' engagement by 40%


Post more photos and videos. People are very visually-oriented, so photos and videos are more likely to capture people's attention than wordy status updates. It only takes about half a second for a person to take in a picture, so it requires very little effort, and they can respond to it almost immediately. Interesting or funny videos are also a great way to get likes, but you may need to include a comment which entices people to watch the video in the first place, something enigmatic and intriguing like "This video is so funny I snorted milk through my nose" or "I can't believe this video is for real...needs to be seen to be believed!"
  • Tagging friends and acquaintances in pictures is also a great way to get likes and possibly make new friends. People are narcissistic and like to see pictures of themselves (as long as they're flattering!) so get tagging and start rolling in the likes.


Keep it short and sweet. People are lazy. And impatient. They want to be entertained and they want it now. Therefore, long-winded or wordy status updates are more likely to be given a cursory glance, then quickly scrolled past. Remember that Facebook is not a blog - people don't want a summary of your day, a description of what you ate for breakfast or a lengthy opinion piece on the latest episode of Breaking Bad. They want short, amusing anecdotes or concise updates on cool, interesting things you've seen or done. So give the people what they want.
  • Unlike Twitter, you're not technically limited to 160 characters or less, but you should seriously consider imposing this rule on yourself!
  • Of course, if you have a blog, you're more than welcome to share a link to these in-depth musings on your Facebook page. Once you've built up a reputation for posting interesting and unique status updates, people might be more inclined to click through to your blog.

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    Ask interactive questions. Another great way to get more likes is to be interactive with your Facebook friends, by asking engaging questions and requesting other people's opinions. You can also ask for other people's help or recommendations - people like to be the ones to give the best or most interesting answer. Examples of this might include something like:
    • "Calling all techies! My computer is refusing to install the new version of please?" or "Anyone tried that new pizza place downtown? I need a cheese-y carb fix - stat!" Just be sure to reply to any respondents quickly so they'll be willing to help you out again in future.
    • Do not abuse the question system though, you shouldn't ask questions that are too personal or that require too much effort from other users. For example, asking people whether a certain picture "makes you look fat" is a definite no-no, while asking people for an explanation of how to make a PowerPoint presentation is just lazy. Google it.

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